Sunday, March 4, 2007

Those were the days...

Predocs of 2001

proudly present:

War dance!

Sebastian as Wieland in the emergency plan (notice the shoes!):

The games: PI's

contra predoc candidates

The loosers lie on the floor...

The winners get the chicken:

Mad Max Awards

Francis - the "enlightenment*" Mad Max Award winner!

Marino's Award speech...

Le grand finale: We want it all...

And we will get it!

enlightenment* - I completely forgot why we gave the award to Francis and only last week Sebastian reminded it to me. Apparently during his predoc course lecture Francis had problems adjusting light levels in the auditorium, and after being done with pressing all the buttons and not achieving expected result, he rose his hands to the heaven and said: "Light!" However, that also did not help... heavens must have been busy with the more important issues...