Monday, April 9, 2007

Apple, Orwell, youtube and the 2008 US presidential elections

I am astonished how much Internet changed our lives and especially how much power it gave to all of us. I would have never expected that thanks to it a voice of a single person can not only be heard by but also influence so many people worldwide. Phil De Vellis, "a citizen", not directly connected with any of the US political parties, made a pro-Obama, anti-Hillary Clinton commercial that is based on a famous ad by Apple that introduced Macintosh computers in 1984. He posted his version of the ad on youtube slightly more than a month ago. Since then, it was watched more than 3 million times and it attracted attention of public media both in the US and abroad. The amazing thing is that first, the "Vote Different" ad is so simple both in its form and its message that it could have been done just by anybody, and second, it showed that you do not need public media anymore to have your voice heard by millions of people...

Vote Different

Make up your own mind. Decide for yourself who should be our next president. NOTE: This is a mashup of the famous Apple 1984 Super Bowl ad.

Apple 1984 Super Bowl commercial

An article about the idea behind the "Vote different" ad

An interview with the guy who made the "Vote Different" ad: