Monday, July 9, 2007

bear's list

I bet this joke is funny only for Polish people:

A bear made a list of animals that he was going to eat. Soon all animals in the forest found out about the list and some of them decided to beg the bear for mercy.
The first animal to pay a visit to the bear was a wolf:
- Hello dear bear. I heard that you have the list of animals that you want to eat.
- Yes, that’s true, dear fox.
- Am I on this list?
- Yes, you are.
- Would you mind moving me a bit down on this list that I can say good bye to my family and have last nice big meal?
- OK, I will move you down a bit – replied the bear.
The second animal that visited the bear was a fox and the situation repeated itself. He also asked if he was on the list and if he could get a few more days of life that he could use to enjoy himself. Again the bear agreed on that.
After the fox several other animals visited the bear and finally also a rabbit came to see him:
- Hello dear bear. I wanted to ask if I am on your list?
- Yes, you are.
- Well, listen bear, could you remove my name from the list?
- No problem, dear rabbit.

Niedzwiedz zrobil sobie liste zwierzat które zje. Dowiedzialy sie o tym lesne zwierzeta.
Wilk postanowil pójsc do niedzwiadka
- Witaj niedzwiadku. Slyszalem ze masz liste zwierzat które zjesz.
- No mam
- A czy ja jestem na tej liscie??
Niedzwiadek wyciàgnàl swoja liste, szuka, szuka i odpowiada:
- No jestes wilku
- A czy móglbym cos jeszcze porzadnego zjesc przed smiercia i pozegnac sie z rodzina??
- No mozesz
Nastepnie lis przychodzi i tez pyta, czy jest na liscie
- Tak, jestes lisie
- No to czy móglbym jeszcze przed smiercia upolowac sobie jakas kurke i skorzystac z ostatnich chwil zycia??
- Mozesz lisie, mozesz
Nastepnie przychodzi zajaczek
- Niedzwiadku czy ja tez jestem na twojej liscie??
- Tak zajaczku jestes
- A czy móglbys mnie z niej wykreslic?
- Nie ma sprawy zajaczku.