Monday, July 2, 2007

high moral standards

The guy wakes up at 1 in the afternoon with a terrible hangover. He slowly opens his eyes and surprised he sees on the bedside table four bottles of cold beer and the following letter:
“Darling, stay in bed and relax. If you need anything call me, I will take free time from my work and will come home immediately. Your beloved wife.”
The guy is very surprised and confused with the letter, so he asks his son:
- Did I come back yesterday with flowers or some nice jewelry, or something like this?
His son replies:
- Are you kidding? You came back at 5 in the morning completely drunk, you made a lot of noise and you broke mum’s favorite lamp, and when she tried to undress you from your trousers, you said: “Fuck off, you whore, I am married.”

Facet budzi sie okolo 13.00 na potwornym kacu. Patrzy, na stole cztery schlodzone butelki piwa i list nastepujacej tresci:
"Kochanie, wypoczywaj, jakbys czegos potrzebowal to zadzwon, zwolnie sie z pracy i przyjade. Twoja kochajaca zona".
On na to pyta syna, co sie sta_o, czy wrócil wczoraj z kwiatami, pierscionkiem lub czyms w tym rodzaju, nic bowiem nie pamieta. Syn na to:
- Cos ty, przyszedles o piatej nad ranem kompletnie pijany, awanturowales sie, a gdy matka sciagala ci spodnie powiedziales: "Won dziwko, ja jestem zonaty".