Tuesday, September 11, 2007

intermission in transmission/przerwa w nadawaniu, prosimy nie regulowac odbiornikow

Ania and Moli will set their feet on American soil in less than 16h (I am so excited, I can not hide it...). I will be busy entertaining them and, hopefully, also working from time to time. That means no or sporadic posts during this week. Next week we go together on a trip "300 national parks in 10 days". As a result of that I will not post at all between 15th and 24th of September. Take care and don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Poniewaz Ania i Moli przyjezdzaja w odwiedziny, nie bede miala w tym tygodniu czasu by uzupelniac ten blog. Ponadto bede w podrozy przez wild wild west (= dziki dziki zachod) pomiedzy 15tym a 24tym wrzesnia i wtedy to juz na 100% nie bede miala czasu by tu nic napisac. Prosze mi tu nie broic w tak zwanym miedzyczasie.